Prompt users to update to the latest app version of your application

Prompt users to update to the latest app version of your application

Force the user to update to the new apk, in 3 minutes.

You've created a new APK and wish to compel users to update it every time the application is cold rebooted. Here's how to proceed with that:

Fix and Deployment Process

Fixing the Bug in the Application:

  1. Address the bug within the application.

  2. Create a new build and upload it to the Google Play Store.

  3. Submit the updated app for review.

Recovery Creation:

Once the review process is complete and the new version of the app is available for users:

  1. Navigate to the Google Play Console.

  2. Identify the version that encountered issues.

  3. Click on the Recovery Tool located at the top right.

  4. Prompt the user to update through a modal.

  5. Confirm version updates and select target criteria to create the update prompt.

Testing the Update Prompt Locally:

To simulate how users will receive the update on their devices:

  1. Ensure that testers are set up.

  2. Copy the link for the application version that experienced issues.

  3. Download the "recoveryUpdate-.apk" file for testing.

  4. Install the file on your local device.

  5. Navigate to the directory where "recoveryUpdate-.apk" was downloaded in your terminal.

  6. Execute the following command to install the update: adb install-multiple -p <> recoveryUpdate-65.apk.

Let me know if you are facing any issues, I am happy to give you a hand.

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Happy coding

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